Audit Reports








Audit No. 1520 Internal Control Audit – OCSD Special Revenue Funds dtd 0….pdf
Audit No. 1521 Internal Control Audit CEO CPO Procurement Process dtd 04-30-18.pdf
Audit No. 1625 Internal Control Audit SSA ResCare Contract and CalWORKs Disbursements dtd 04-30-18.pdf
Audit No. 1626-A Countywide Audit of Business Travel and Meeting Policy_CEO dtd 02-07-18.pdf
Audit No. 1626-B Countywide Audit of Business Travel and Meeting Policy_OCPW dtd 02-07-18.pdf
Audit No. 1626-C Countywide Audit of Business Travel and Meeting Policy Assessor dtd 06-26-18.pdf
Audit No. 1626-D Countywide Audit of Business Travel and Meeting Policy.pdf
Audit No. 1626-H Audit of Business Travel and Meeting Policy OCSD dtd 04-30-18.pdf
Audit No. 1626-E Countywide Audit of Business Travel and Meeting Policy_COB dtd 04-10-18
Audit No. 1727-C (Reference 1619-B-F1) Final-Close-Out Follow-Up Unearned Revenue OC Community Resources
Audit No. 1735-A (Reference 1422-F1) Close-Out Internal Control Audit OCCR_OC Parks Fund 405 dtd 02-27-18.pdf
Audit No. 1735-G Reference 1525-F1 First Follow Up Internal Control Audit OCWR Cash Handling dtd 06-26-18.pdf
Audit No. 1735-L Reference 1629-F1 Close Out Follow Up Internal Control….pdf
Audit No. 1735-M Reference 1630-F1 Close Out Follow Up Internal Contro….pdf
Audit No. 1735-P (Reference 1519) Countywide Audit of Fiduciary Funds_OC…pdf
Audit No. 1735-Q Reference 1519 F1 First Follow Up Fiduciary Funds CEO….pdf


Audit No. 1422 OCCR_OC Parks Special Revenue Fund 405 dtd 5-30-17.pdf
Audit No. 1423 Internal Control Audit OCCR_OCDPH Fund 108 dtd 04-24-17.pdf
Audit No. 1519 Countywide Audit of Fiduciary Funds_CEO dtd 06-12-17.pdf
Audit No. 1519 Countywide Audit of Fiduciary Funds_Sheriff-Coroner dtd 06-08-17.pdf
Audit No. 1519-F1 (Reference 1634-H) First Follow-Up Countywide Audit of Fiduciary Funds HCA_PG dtd 3-22-17.pdf
Audit No. 1519-F1 (Reference 1634-I) First Follow-Up Countywide Audit_Pr….pdf
Audit No. 1522 Internal Control Audit Auditor-Controller Procurement & C….pdf
Audit No. 1523-F1 (Reference 1634-K) First Follow-Up Audit DA_PA dtd 4-5….pdf
Audit-No. 1525 Internal Control Audit OCWR Cash Handling dtd 09-18-17.pdf
Audit No. 1583 Internal Control Audit_Treasurer-Tax Collector EFT Process dtd 06-12-17.pdf
Audit No. 1617 Compliance Monitoring of the Treasurer’s Investment Portfolio dtd 05-15-17.pdf
Audit No. 1619-A Final Report on Audit of Unearned Revenue HCA dta 3-31.pdf
Audit No. 1619-C Final Report on Audit of Unearned Revenue SSA dtd 3-30.pdf
Audit No. 1619-D Final Report on Audit of Unearned Revenue OC Public Works dtd 3-30-17.pdf
Audit No. 1621 (Reference 1567-F1) Follow-Up Audit of Probation Departme….pdf
Audit No. 1626-F Internal Control Audit Business Travel and Meeting Po….pdf
Audit No. 1633 Internal Control Audit Revolving Funds_SSA dtd 5-30-17.pdf

Audit No. 1629 Internal Control Audit District Attorney Public Administr….pdf

Audit No. 1630 Internal Control Audit Probation Payroll dtd 08-31-17.pdf
Audit No. 1634-C Reference 1519 F1 First and Final Close Out Countywid….pdf
Audit No. 1634-G (Reference 1519-F1) First Follow-Up Fiduciary Funds T-TC dtd 06-08-17.pdf
Audit No. 1634-J (Reference 1421-F1) First Follow-Up OCPW_OC Flood dtd 0….pdf
Audit No. 1634-L (Reference 1524-F1) First Follow-Up HCA_PG dtd 07-06-17….pdf
Audit No. 1634-M (Reference 1523-F2) Second Follow-Up and Close-Out DA_PA dtd 06-21-17.pdf
Audit No. 1735-D Ref. 1519-F1 Close Out Countywide Audit of Fiduciary….pdf




1022-F2 Second Follow-up Internal Control Audit of OC Public Works Fee Generated Revenue.pdf
1056-F2 Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Special Request Countywide Audit of Employee Cash Advances.pdf
1122-F2 Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of OC Community Resources Disbursement Approval Process.pdf
1134-F1 Final Close-Out and First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of OCWR Contract Administration for La Pata Ave. Gap Closure.pdf
1222-F1 First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of OC Community Resources Fee Generated Revenue.pdf
1222-F2 Final Close-Out and Second Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of OC Community Resources Fee Generated Revenue.pdf
1223-F1 First Follow Up Internal Control Audit of OC Public Works Disbursement Approval Process (Ref. 1339).pdf
1224-F2 Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Social Services Agency Contract Payments & Fiscal Monitoring.pdf
1225-A Audit Highlight.pdf
1225-A Internal Control & Compliance Audit of OC Public Works Bid & Proposal Processes.pdf
1225-B Audit Highlight.pdf
1225-B Internal Control & Compliance Audit of OC Public Works Change Order and Contract Amendment Process.pdf
1225-C Audit Highlight.pdf
1225-C Internal Control & Compliance Audit of OC Public Works Sole Source Contracts.pdf
1225C-F1 Final Close-Out and First Follow-Up Internal Control & Compliance Audit of OC Public Works Sole Source Contracts.pdf
1323 Audit Highlight.pdf
1323 Internal Control and Compliance Audit of Probation Department Public Safety Realignment (AB109).pdf
1334 Audit Highlight.pdf
1334 Internal Control Audit of OC Waste & Recycling Contract Administration for the La Pata Avenue Gap Closure.pdf
1334-F1 Final Close-Out and First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of OC Waste & Recycling Contract Admin for the La Pata Ave.pdf

1112-F1 Final Close-Out and First Follow-Up Annual Audit of Treasurer’s Investment Compliance YE Dec 31 2011.pdf
1214-F1 Final Close-Out and First Follow-Up Required Annual Examination of Treasurer’s Investment Compliance YE Dec 31 2012.pdf
1314 Audit Highlight.pdf
1314 Required Annual Examination of the Treasurer’s Investment Compliance and County Investment Policies for YE Dec 31 2013.pdf
1316 Audit Highlight.pdf
1316 Audit of County of Orange Retiree Medical Plan – Annual Required County Contributions.pdf
1317 Audit Highlight.pdf
1317 Financial and Mandated Audit of Community Facilities Districts-Mello-Roos.pdf
1317-F1 Final Close-Out and First Follow-Up Audit of Community Facilities Districts-Mello-Roos.pdf
1318 Audit Highlight.pdf
1318 Financial Audit of the Orange County Managers Association Pension Enhancements.pdf
1410 Audit Highlight.pdf
1410 Financial Statement Audit of OC District Attorney’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud Program.pdf
1411 Audit Highlight .pdf
1411 Financial Statement Audit of the District Attorney’s Disability and Healthcare Insurance Fraud Program.pdf
1412 Audit Highlight.pdf
1412 Financial Statement Audit of the OC District Attorney’s Automobile Insurance Fraud Program.pdf
1413 Audit Highlight.pdf
1413 Financial Statement Audit of the District Attorney’s Organized Automobile Fraud Activity Interdiction Program.pdf
1415-A Audit Highlight.pdf
1415-A Quarterly Examination of Auditor-Controller’s Cash and Investment Reconciliation Compliance .pdf
1415-B Audit Highlight .pdf
1415-B Quarterly Examination of Auditor-Controller’s Cash and Investment Reconciliation Compliance.pdf


1125 Audit Highlight.pdf
1125 Internal Control Audit of John Wayne Airport Change Order Process for the Airport Improvement Program.pdf
1125-F1 Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of John Wayne Airport Change Order Process.pdf
1222 Audit Highlight.pdf
1222 Internal Control Audit of OC Community Resources Fee Generated Revenue.pdf
1223 Audit Highlight.pdf
1223 Internal Control Audit of OC Public Works Disbursement Approval Process.pdf
1224 Audit Highlight.pdf
1224 Internal Control Audit of Social Services Contract Payment and Fiscal Monitoring.pdf
1224-A Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Sheriff Inmate Welfare Fund and Select Jail Commissary Process.pdf
1227-B First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of OC Community Resources Disbursement Approval Process.pdf
1227-C First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of OC Public Works Fee Generated Revenue.pdf
1227-D Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Social Services Agency Revolving Fund Process.pdf
1227-E Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Health Care Agency Medical Billing Process.pdf
1228-C Final Close-Out and Second Follow-Up Audit of OC Waste & Recycling Fee Generated Revenue.pdf
1228-D Second and Final Close-Out Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of OC Waste & Recycling Fee Generated Revenue (1023).pdf
1228-E Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of OC Public Works Countywide Fleet Management.pdf
1228-F Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of OC Public Works County Fuel Card Administration.pdf
1228-G Second Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Probation Department GPS Electronic Monitoring Programs.pdf
1239 Audit Highlight.pdf
1239 Purchasing Card Audit using Computer-Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATS) of CEO-County Procurement Office.pdf
1339-A First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Social Services Agency Contract Payments and Fiscal Monitoring.pdf
Audit of Probation Internal Controls over Juvenile Records and Accounts for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30 2012 and June 30 2013.pdf


1018 Audit Highlight.pdf
1018 Internal Control Audit of Health Care Agency Medical Billing Process.pdf
1022 Audit Highlight.pdf
1022 Internal Control Audit of OC Public Works Fee Generated Revenue.pdf
1122 Audit Highlight.pdf
1122 OC Community Resources Disbursement Approval Process.pdf
1123 S-C Audit Highlight.pdf
1123 Sheriff-Coroner Inmate Welfare Fund.pdf
1127 Audit Highlight.pdf
1127 Internal Control Audit of Probation Department GPS Electronic Monitoring Programs.pdf
1128 Audit Highlight.pdf
1128 Internal Control Audit of Social Services Agency Revolving Fund.pdf
1130-A First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Treasurer-Tax Collector $5.3 Billion Tax Collection and Cash Receipt Processes.pdf
1130-B OC Public Works Countywide Fleet Management Follow-Up.pdf
1130-C OC Public Works County Fuel Card Administration Follow Up.pdf
1130-D Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Health Care Agency Disbursement Approval Process.pdf
1130-E Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of OC Waste & Recycling Disbursement Approval Process.pdf
1130-F Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Public Defender Revolving Fund.pdf
1130-G First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Health Care Agency Fee Generated Revenue.pdf
1130-H HCA Contract Development and Management Payment Approval and Fiscal Monitoring Follow-Up.pdf
1130-I First Follow-up Internal Control Audit of County Counsel Revolving Fund.pdf
1130-J OC Waste & Recycling Fee Generated Revenue Follow Up.pdf
1130-K Probation Department GPS Electronic Monitoring Follow Up.pdf
1130-L First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Sheriff-Coroner and Health Care Agency Contract Admin of ICE.pdf
1135 Audit Highlight.pdf
1135 Revenue Generating Lease Audit of OC Public Works River View Golf Course.pdf
1228-A Final Close-Out Second Internal Control Audit of TTC Tax Collection and Cash Receipts Process.pdf
1228-B Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of HCA Fee Generated Revenue.pdf
1250 Audit Alert Auditor-Controller Opportunity To Clarify County Revenue Policy.pdf
Audit of Probation Internal Controls over Juvenile Records and Accounts for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30 2012 and June 30 2013.pdf


1023 Audit Highlight.pdf
1023 Internal Control Audit of OC Wast & Recycling Fee Generated Revenue.pdf
1024 Audit Highlight.pdf
1024 Internal Control Audit of Health Care Agency Fee Generated Revenue.pdf
1025 Final Audit Highlight.pdf
1025 Internal Control Audit of Health Care Agency Disbursement Approval Process.pdf
1027 Audit Highlight.pdf
1027 Internal Control Audit of OC Waste & Recycling Disbursement Approval Process.pdf
1028 Audit Highlight.pdf
1028 Internal Control Audit of OC Public Works Countywide Fleet Management.pdf
1029 Final Audit Highlight.pdf
1029 Internal Control Audit of OC Public Works Fuel Card Administration.pdf
1030 HCA Audit Highlight.pdf
1030 Internal Control Audit of Health Care Agency Contract Development & Management Payment Approval & Fiscal Monitoring.pdf
1033-B First Follow-Up Audit of Countywide Fee Development Monitoring Process.pdf
1033-C First Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Auditor-Controller and Treasurer-Tax Collector’s.pdf
1034-B Second Follow-Up Audit of OC Public Works Transportation Billing.pdf
1038-B Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Revenue Generating Lease Audit of OC Community Resources.pdf
1053 Final Audit Highlight.pdf
1053 Internal Control Audit of Public Defender Revolving Fund Process.pdf
1055 Audit Highlight.pdf
1055 Internal Control Audit of County Counsel Revolving Fund Process.pdf
1126 Final Audit Highlight.pdf
1126 Internal Control Audit of Sheriff-Coroner & Health Care Agency Contract Admin of U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement.pdf
1131-A Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Internal Control Audit of Countywide Fee Development Monitoring Process.pdf
2919 Audit Highlight.pdf
2919 Ladera Ranch Community Facilities Districts.pdf
2954 Audit Highlight.pdf
2954 Treasurer-Tax Collector $5.3 Billion Tax Collection and Cash Receipt Processes.pdf



2732 Audit Highlight.pdf
2732 Revenue Generating Lease Audit, Parking Concepts, Inc.pdf
2739 Audit Highlight.pdf
2739 Revenue Generating Lease Audit, OC Parks-Mile Square Golf Course.pdf
2741-D Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit, Review of Lease Revenue for OC Dana Point Harbor- Ocean Institute.pdf
2832 Audit Highlight.pdf
2832 Revenue Generating Lease Audit, John Wayne Airport Catarina’s.pdf
2833 Host Highlight.pdf
2833 Revenue Generating Lease Audit, John Wayne Airport-Host International, Inc.pdf
2834 Audit Highlight.pdf
2834 Revenue Generating Lease Audit, John Wayne Airport-JCDecaux Airport, Inc.pdf
2835 Audit Highlight.pdf
2835 Revenue Generating Lease Audit, OC Parks-California Junior Lifeguard Programs.pdf
2837 Audit Highlight.pdf
2837 Revenue Generating Lease Audit, OCCR-OC Parks RM Fisheries, Inc.pdf
2838 Audit Highlight Bella.pdf
2838 Revenue Generating Lease Audit for OC Public Works-Bella’s Kitchen.pdf
2839 Audit Highlight.pdf
2839 Revenue Generating Lease Audit, OC Dana Point Harbor-Dana Point Yacht Club.pdf
2840-A Final Close-Out, First Follow-Up Audit, Review of Lease Revenue Creative Croissants.pdf
2840-B Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit, Review of Concession Review, OCCR-OC Parks – David L. Baker Memorial Golf Course.pdf
2840-C Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit, Review of License Revenue, John Wayne Airport-GAT Airline Ground Support.pdf
2840-E Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit, Review of Lease Revenue, OCCR-OC Parks Sunset Aquatic Park, Sunset Aquatic Marina.pdf
2840-F Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Audit of Review of Operating Agreements OC Public Works Parking Concepts, Inc.pdf
2840-G Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit OC Public Works-River View Golf Course.pdf
2928-A Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Audit, Auditor-Controller, Internal Control Audit of Claims and Disbursing’s Vendor.pdf

2767 Audit Highlight.pdf
2767 Evaluation of Auditor-Controller CAFR Footnote Disclosure Process.pdf
2820 Audit Highlight.pdf
2820 OC Dana Point Harbor, Harbor Revitalization Plan Contract Administration and Contract Payments.pdf
2822 Audit Highlight.pdf
2822 Probation 091609.pdf
2823 Audit Highlight.pdf
2823 Internal Control Audit OC Public Works-Transportation – Interdepartmental Billing Process.pdf
2825 Audit Highlight.pdf
2825 Internal Control Audit of Sheriff-Coroner Payroll Process.pdf
2827 Audit Highlight.pdf
2827 Audit of Internal Controls CEO-Information Technology Contract Administration and Related Contract Payments.pdf
2829-H Final Close Out First Follow-Up Audit of Internal Control Review of Auditor-Controller Claims & Disbursing Vendor Payment.pdf
2829-I Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit of Sheriff-Coroner Administration Purchasing Card Expenditures.pdf
2829-J Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit of Sheriff-Coroner DMJM H&N Contracts and A-E Contract Management Process.pdf
2829-K Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit of County Executive Office Purchasing Division, Audit Alert.pdf
2829-L First Follow-Up Audit, Audit Alert, County Procurement Office Policy on Sole Source Contracts.pdf
2829-M Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit of Internal Control Review of County Executive Office-Public Finance Accounting.pdf
2830-B Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Audit, Internal Control Review of Treasurer Tax Collector’s Interest Apportionment.pdf
2830-C Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Audit of Sheriff Administration Revolving Fund Expenditures and Travel Expenditures.pdf
2925 Audit Highlight.pdf
2925 Internal Control Audit OC Public Works Payroll Process.pdf
2927-A First Follow-Up Audit of Internal Controls of County Executive Office.pdf
2928-B Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Audit, Audit Alert County Procurement Office Policy on Sole Source Contracts.pdf


2634 Internal Control Review of Treasurer Tax Collector’s Interest Apportionment Process.pdf
2720-1 Internal Control Review of Auditor-Controller Claims & Disbursing’s Educational and Professional Reimbursement Process.pdf
2720-3 Auditor-Controller Claims & Disbursing Processes-Issues Concerning Employee Social Security Numbers.pdf
2720-4 Audit Highlight.pdf
2720-4 Auditor-Controller Internal Control Review of Claims & Disbursing’s Vendor Payment Process.pdf
2722 Audit Highlight.pdf
2722 Internal Control Review of County Executive Office-Public Finance Accounting – Cash Receipts, Cash Disbursements.pdf
2723 CR Audit Highlight.pdf
2723 Internal Control Review of Clerk-Recorder South County Branch Office – Cash Receipts Process.pdf
2724 Internal Control Review of Housing & Community Services Department – Housing Voucher Program Payments.pdf
2725 Internal Control Review of Probation Department Bi-Weekly Payroll Process.pdf
2727-A Resources & Development Management Department-Facility Operations Contract Administration and Cash Disbursements.pdf
2727-B Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit – Internal Control Review of Social Services Revolving Funds.pdf
2727-C John Wayne Airport First Follow-Up Audit Internal Control Review of Cash Disbursements.pdf
2727-D Health Care Agency First Follow-Up Audit of Internal Control Review of Payroll Process.pdf
2727-E Sheriff Coroner Administration First Follow Up Audit of Contract Administration and Cash Disbursements.pdf
2727-F Auditor-Controller Internal Control Review of Central Payroll Processes.pdf
2727-G Auditor-Controller – First Follow Up Audit of Special Report on Virtual Timesheet Interface (VTI).pdf
2728-A Final Close-Out Second Follow-Up Audit – Internal Control Review of Probation Department Revolving Fund.pdf
2728-B Final Close-Out Second Follow-up Audit of Internal Control Review of Social Services Agency Accounts Receivable.pdf
2728-D County Executive Office-Purchasing Division Follow Up Audit of Administration of Cal Card Program.pdf
2765 Audi Highlight.pdf
2765 Audit of the Source of Funding for the 2004 OCEA Pension Enhancements.pdf
2766-1 Audit Highlight.pdf
2766-1 Audit of Sheriff-Coroner Expenditures – Sheriff Administration Revolving Fund Expenditures and Travel Expenditures.pdf
2766-4 Audit of Sheriff-Coroner Administration Sole –Source Procurements and Related Contract Payments.pdf
2766-5 Audit Alert for County Procurement Policy on Sole Source Contracts.pdf
2768 Audit Highlight.pdf
2768 Audit of Sheriff-Coroner DMJM H&N Contracts and A-E Contract Management Process.pdf
2829-A Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit Internal Control Review of OC Community Resources.pdf
2829-B Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit of the Internal Control Review of Probation Department Bi-Weekly Payroll Process.pdf
2829-C Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit of the Auditor-Controller Claims & Disbursing’s Educational and Professional.pdf
2829-D Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit Internal Control Review of Auditor-Controller Claims & Disbursing Processes.pdf
2829-E First Follow-Up Audit Internal Control Review of Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Interest Apportionment Process.pdf
2829-F First Follow-Up Audit of Sheriff Administration Revolving Fund Expenditures.pdf
2840-A Final Close-Out First Follow-Up Audit Review of Lease Revenue Creative Croissants.pdf


2629 Internal Control Review of John Wayne Airport Cash Disbursements.pdf
2631-1 Internal Control Review of Auditor-Controller’s Central Payroll Process.pdf
2631-2 Internal Control Review of Health Care Agency.pdf
2632 Internal Control Review of Resources and Development Management Dept Facilities Operations.pdf
2635 Internal Control Review of Social Services Agency Revolving Funds.pdf
2636-C Final Close-Out John Wayne Airport Public Works.pdf
2636-D First Follow-Up Audit of the Internal Control Review of Social Services Agency.pdf
2636-E Final Close-Out District Attorney Revolving Fund.pdf
2636-F Final Close-Out Assessor Department Revolving Fund.pdf
2636-G First Follow-Up of the Public Defender Revolving Fund.pdf
2636-H First Follow-Up Audit of the Internal Control Review of Probation Department Revolving Fund as of April 18, 2007.pdf
2636-I First Follow-Up Audit of the Internal Control Review of Integrated Waste Management Department.pdf
2636-J First Follow-Up Audit of County Executive Office Purchasing Division Administration of Cal Card Program.pdf
2637-C Second Follow Up Audit of Health Care Agency.pdf
2637-D Final Close Out, Second Follow-Up Audit of the Public Administrator-Public Guardian.pdf
2650-F Follow Up of John Wayne Airport-Advantage Rent-A-Car.pdf
2664 Internal Control Review of Sheriff-Coroner.pdf
2728-C Integrated Waste Management Department Contract Administration Process and Controls.pdf
2763 Special Report on Virtual Timesheet Interface (VTI) – Access to Employee Social Security Numbers.pdf

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