(Santa Ana, CA) – The Orange County Auditor-Controller’s Office released this year’s Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) for Fiscal Year 2023-24. Known as the Citizens’ Report, the PAFR is a summarized guide to the in-depth County Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) with information from the 2023- 24 Fiscal Year which began on July 1, 2023 and ended on June 30, 2024.

The Citizens’ Report is an important resource with invaluable insights into how public funds are managed and allocated to serve the residents of Orange County. By presenting complex financial information in an easy-to-understand format, we aim to promote transparency and foster trust in County operations. It highlights major financial achievements, strategic investments, and ongoing efforts to ensure transparency and accountability to the community.

“This report reflects our commitment to sound financial stewardship and service excellence,” said Andrew Hamilton, Orange County’s Auditor-Controller. “We are proud to share how the County is making strategic investments to enhance the quality of life for residents while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

Each year the Auditor-Controller’s Office chooses a County agency to highlight as part of the report’s theme. This year’s report features John Wayne Airport as our highlight agency and the crucial role they play in the County’s economic strength.

To download a copy of the Citizens’ Report or view the report online, visit the Auditor-Controller’s website at ocauditor.gov/reports/citizens-reports. A hard copy of the report is available upon request by emailing pioac@ac.ocgov.com.


Andrew Hamilton is Orange County’s 11th independently elected Auditor-Controller. The Orange County Auditor-Controller’s Office and its 400+ employees work to ensure the County operates financially responsibly, effectively, and with transparency. Duties including payroll for over 19,000 employees, general accounting services, property tax allocation, budget control, accounts payable, and financial reporting.
